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European Union Member States Asylum and migration

Despite widespread racial profiling in the EU, legislators are considering measures that would increase it – Joint NGO statement

In a joint statement, Amnesty International and 81 other civil society organisations express our concerns regarding the potential retention of Article 5 in the proposed EU Screening Regulation (one of key legislative files encompassing the EU Pact on Migration and Asylum) during trilogue...
European Union Member States Asylum and migration

Break the chain of dependency and promote equal treatment of migrant workers: NGO statement on the revision of the Single Permit Directive

In a joint statement, Amnesty International and 17 other European networks and organisations, representing trade unions and NGOs, call on EU lawmakers not to trap migrant workers in exploitation, by ensuring a meaningful right to change employer, and to ensure full equal treatment, particularly in...
European Union Member States Asylum and migration

Contribution to European Ombudsman’s Strategic Inquiry OI/3/2023/MHZ – The Role of the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex) in the Context of Search and Rescue Operations

In October 2023, Amnesty International submitted its contribution to a strategic inquiry launched by the European Ombudsman (Own Initiative Inquiry OI/3/2023/MHZ), focused on the role of Frontex, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, in the context of search and rescue (SAR) operations. The...
European Union Member States Asylum and migration

NGOs call on EU leaders to centre human rights in discussions on EU-Tunisia cooperation and the external dimension of migration at European Council

Amnesty International, EuroMed Rights and Human Rights Watch shared a letter with President of the European Council Charles Michel and EU Heads of States and Governments ahead of the 26-27 October meeting of the European Council. The 26 and 27 October 2023 European Council’s strategic discussion on...