2,713 results

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Asylum and migration

Joint briefing: Interceptions at Sea

01/09/2013 – Joint Briefing on the European Commission Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing rules for the surveillance of the external sea borders in the context of operational cooperation coordinated by the European Agency for the Management of...

A survivor’s journey after female genital mutilation

A survivor’s journey after female genital mutilation Leyla Hussein is an anti-FGM activist, psychotherapist, ‘Strong Voice’ of Amnesty International’s END FGM European Campaign and co-founder of Daughters of Eve, a charity dedicated to ending gender-based violence including female genital...
Middle East & North Africa Human Rights Defenders and Activists

EU must pressure Bahrain to free prisoners of conscience EU must pressure Bahrain to free prisoners of conscienceEU must pressure Bahrain to free pris

AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL PRESS RELEASE   EU must pressure Bahrain to free prisoners of conscience   (Brussels, 1 July 2013) As officials from the EU and the Gulf States meet today in Bahrain for their annual ministerial meeting, Amnesty International is urging the EU to call publicly for the...