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Asylum and migration

Lithuania: Court of Justice of the EU rejects national law restricting the right to asylum and imposing automatic detention on asylum-seekers and migrants

Responding to the Court of Justice of the European Union’s finding today that Lithuanian national law, which orders the automatic detention of people who cross irregularly into the country and effectively denies them the right to asylum, is incompatible with EU laws, said Nils Muižnieks,...
European Union Member States Censorship and Freedom of Expression

Joint Letter from Civil Society Organisations to EU Governments. Article 7(1) TEU Hearing on the Rule of Law, Democracy and Fundamental Rights in Hungary

Letter ahead of the EU General Affairs Council’s meeting on 23 May 2022, on the situation of the rule of law and other Article 2 TEU values in Hungary. The hearing takes place at a time when the importance of the rule of law, democracy and fundamental rights across Europe is in ever sharper focus....