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Americas EU external relations

EU-Canada Summit

06/05/2009 – In a letter addressed to the Czech Presidency, Amnesty International highlights the EU-Canada Summit held in Prague on the 6 May 2009 as an opportunity to call on the Canadian government to resume negotiations with the Lubicon Cree, with a clear commitment to finding a just...
Africa EU external relations

EU-AU Troika

29/04/2009 – Ahead of the European Union – African Union Ministerial Troika, to urge you to use the discussion to make progress on ending impunity for crimes under international law. Amnesty International calls on both sides of the meeting to renew prior AU and EU declarations by making...
Asia and the Pacific EU external relations

EU-Japan Summit

27/04/2009 – In view of the forthcoming EU–Japan Summit that Mr. Topolánek will be co-chairing on 4 May 2009, Amnesty International would like to bring to his attention some human rights concerns in Japan which we hope he will take the opportunity to raise with his counterparts. The...