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Asylum and migration

EU: Migration plan ‘woefully inadequate’

This is a woefully inadequate plan that does little to address the dire situation in the Central Mediterranean and the lack of EU solidarity. AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL QUOTE 4 July 2017 EU: Migration plan “woefully inadequate” Responding to the European Commission’s ‘Action Plan to support Italy,...

European Commission must deliver justice for Italy’s Roma

Roma informal settlement of Germagnano in the city of Turin, in norther Italy. @Amnesty International/ Catrinel Motoc European Commission must deliver justice for Italy’s Roma 3 July 2017 By Catrinel Motoc, Regional Campaigner, Amnesty International Fast-talking, energetic and keen to learn,...

Rome Anniversary: Reflections on the EU’s future on human rights

Rome Anniversary: Reflections on the EU’s future on human rights 24 March 2017 This weekend European heads of state and government will meet in Rome to celebrate the EU’s 60th anniversary and reflect on its future. There is certainly much to celebrate. Across its six decade history, the European...