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On patrol with the Italian Navy, searching for refugees in danger at sea

The Italian Navy frigate, the Virginio Fasan, docked in the port of Augusta, Sicily, before heading back to sea to search for people in danger, 10 August 2014. © Amnesty International This is the first of two blogs by Amnesty’s Italy campaigner, Matteo de Bellis, who spent the last week on a search...

The human cost of building fences

The human cost of building fences While the EU spends millions on keeping people out, a quiet tragedy is unfolding at the gates of ‘Fortress Europe’. Europe is a continent shaped by warfare, with a history of people moving around seeking sanctuary and a better life. Thousands fleeing war and...

We must speak about the past to prevent it from happening again

“We must speak about the past to prevent it from happening again”: 1,000 young people commemorate the Roma Genocide On 2 August 1944, 2,897 Roma and Sinti, men, women, and children from the Zigeunerlager, the “Gypsy camp”, in the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp were loaded onto trucks,...