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European Union Member States Armed conflict

Gaza: The EU must urgently continue funding UNRWA, to avoid exacerbating suffering of Palestinians facing serious risk of genocide

The European Commission is currently deliberating whether it will release its planned funding to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), without which UNRWA could run out of funding leading to closing its operation. In a letter addressed to President of the European Commission Ursula...
Europe and Central Asia Armed conflict

Concerns over restrictions on peaceful assembly and expression, in particular against people and organisations expressing solidarity with the Palestinian people

In a joint letter to the Spanish Presidency of the EU Council, the incoming Belgian Presidency of the EU Council, Vice President Vera Jourová and Commissioner Didier Reynders, Amnesty International, CIVICUS World Alliance for Citizen Participation, Civil Liberties Union for Europe (Liberties),...
European Union Member States Armed conflict

Open letter on EU and several European states’ concerning decision to suspend and review of funding to Palestinian and Israeli NGOs

In an open letter, Amnesty International and 103 other civil society organisations express serious concern at the EU and several European states‘ decision to suspend or review their funding to Palestinian and Israeli civil society organisations. We the undersigned are writing to you to raise...